Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Ty!

Today would have been my nephew's 16th birthday. We celebrated his birthday by going to the cemetery and having people talk about him and then we wrote on balloons and let them loose. It was freezing and snowy, however it was a great memorial for him. He was the cutest and smartest little boy. He was always happy and never seemed to be down. I would say a animal and he would tell me where it lives, how fast and if it was poisoness right off the bat. He had a great life ahead of him however Heavenly Father choose to have him and Alissa with him during this time. I have never been more grateful for the gospel than I am now. It is so nice that I know he is up in heaven and I look forward to greeting him when it comes my time.

1 comment:

Ora said...

Hey, Debbie! How are you? Yes I still have my regular blog. It's Tell Dale hey for me. Miss you guys!