Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ok, I know that just a couple of entries ago I wrote about sunsets, however, I am finding the sunsets getting better and better and didn't want anyone to miss out on them. Bear with me, I guess I have a thing about sunsets. In the last couple of weeks driving home at night, I have seen the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen. The vibrancy and colors are just jaw dropping. I sometimes will pull off the side of the road so that I can enjoy. I think often that heavenly father has just painted the sky for me. Next time its around 6:00 ish, take a look at the sky and appreciate the beauty found there.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Miracle of Miracles

Sometimes when there are so many trials and heartache in our life, Heavenly Father seems to know how much we can take and insert Miracles. My niece passed away 6 months ago along with my nephew and my brother in law. My niece had her dog with her on their vacation. Her name is Hannah and she is a little Scotty Dog. At the time of the accident they also had the other 2 dogs with them. My 10 year old nephew who survived the accident swore that all three dogs were at the crash site and were fine. Somehow, Hannah disappeared. We all assumed that Heavenly Father allowed Alissa to bring Hannah with her to heaven. The other day my sister recieved a call from Price, Utah Pound stating that they had Hannah in their custody. She is fine and excited to be home. Apparently a cowboy from Price had her at his farm and not sure how she got there. I think it is a miracle and one cannot have enough of those.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well I will be the first one to say, thank heavens it's a New Year. I must say that 2008 was one of the toughest years I have ever had. It was one of sorrow and health scares. I found that through all of the trials that have come into my life, I have never been more grateful to be alive, miracles that happen daily, and for my heavenly father. He just seems to know what I need in my life at just the right moments. Starting a new year is cleansing some how and that to me is like a renewing of the spirt, mind and body!