Saturday, February 7, 2009


So for Christmas I bought us a family gift. A WII!!! I tell you it has been so much fun and we have been exercising so much more than we ever did. Dale and I have found the team tennis against the computer competitors so challenging. Dale and I played for 2 hours last night and I arm and shoulder will never be the same. Now many of you may ask why am I sore. Well I actually stand up and move like I am actually playing tennis. Crazy you may say, however it really is great exercise. We have also found Tiger Woods PGA Golf a great treat to do after a stressful day. I just finished playing, of course I do have my Caddy (my pup) to help me. I actually have finished 1st in 3 Tournaments and have many sponsors. We really seem to have a really fun and bonding time. If you haven't a wii, I suggest doing what I did. Save for 6 months and go out and splurge. WII Fit is also a must!

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