I had this strange dream last night which is very unusual because I do not dream due to my sleep apnea. I woke up and checked my cell phone it was 12am. I laid down and went to sleep. This is when my dream started. I was with my family and we were living near a very large mountain. I remember we were told to climb the mountain. As we were climbing very large rocks began falling down the mountain. We started down the mountain and as we got down to the house we glanced back to see cracks and crevices appearing in the mountain. Then molten lava began to appear and come down the mountain. At this point the dream put me into our current house. Dale came running in and told me we needed to leave and fast. We only had a short time to pack everything we would need to survive on for quite some time. I remember being so mad at Dale because I always wanted us to have at least a1/2 tank of gas in his truck at all times for emergencies. So as he was syphoning gas from my car to the truck I was running around getting all our camping gear, extra clothes, food, water, and more loaded into the truck. I remember being so mad at myself because I didn't put together all our medications into a single container and I didn't have a container with extra clothes and shoes that was easy to access. I saw myself not taking the individual cans of soup etc, however I was taking the #10 cans of dried food, soups, meat, flour, sugar. A funny thought was that I was so glad I had flour (which I had just bought yesterday). However, I was grateful I had a good of food storage and water storage to last for 2 months if we really stretched it. As I could watch myself go through the process, I realized that this is why we are told to follow the prophets heedings to have storage of some kind. I also realized that if we needed to survive longer than Heavenly Father would definitely watch over us and make things last longer if needed. I relate this to the story of the 3 loaves of bread and the basket of fishes and feeding the multitude. I suddenly woke up and looked at the clock and it was 2:37am. I was pretty scared and felt so out of breath like I was really living it. I got closer to Dale and just had to have my hand on him so I could relax. I was wanting to understand why I had that dream. Usually it is really rare I have a dream and when I do it is about the 2ND coming or dealing with Satan. I realized this is not the usual dream. I am still quite disturb about this dream. As I sat in church today, I felt a great peace, yet .... still a worry. As we were singing the closing hymn in Sacrament meeting "I know my redeemer lives", I could feel the spirit telling me that I must focus on being prepared. All the stress I felt in my dream, I need to make sure that does not happen if/or when something like this happens. I have set some goals for my food storage:
1. I want to put together a bin with sweatshirts, an old pair of Levis, Jammie's, a few undies, and socks/shoes and throw in a few summer clothes.
2. I also am going to get all the medication and first aid kits together in a bin.
3 I am going to continue to buy the dried foods that I could actually use as a meal and focus on buying cornstarch,baking powder/soda.
4. Put together all important documents in the binder and put into a fireproof bin that we would take. Included in there I want to put a few memory pictures, and scriptures.
I understand why the prophets have continued to instruct us to get food storage. It is tough escpecially during these trying times. I know that there is no way I can have 3 months storage at this time, however Heavenly Father will help us in this endeavor as long as we try. I am amazed at how he has helped me so far in starting a good food storage.
Sorry this has been such a long blog entry. I just feel very strongly I needed write about this dream.