Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Christmas?

I have been meaning to sit down and catch up however, things just seem to get in the way. It's Christmas time already and we have no snow. I just am having a hard time with Christmas this year. With the loss of our family members, I am having a really hard time. I still have the spirit of giving, I just don't feel like decorating. I have this 3 foot santa that is my favorite gift from Dad and Sue. I told Dale and Dan that santa was going to be our Christmas Tree this year and I will set all the presents around him. Dale was ok with that. We are going to be going to St. George for Christmas so we won't miss opening too many presents without a tree. Dan is staying here and we will open more when we get home. I feel so grateful for the blessings I have in my life and know that this life is just a brief glimpse in eternity. Sometimes these trials in our life become larger than life until you get re-focused. I know Tyler and Alissa are up there watching over us, its just really hard to bear that they won't be here this Christmas. My family is having a really hard time with it however I am thankful for the knowlege and affirmations I have had concerning being with my family forever. There is nothing more wonderful then that knowledge. Ok, this is the saddest, most miserable entry, I just wanted to get my real feelings out there to share. I think sometimes we learn from others and their trials. I know they make us stronger and I am grateful for that.

1 comment:

Kevin & Mari said...

Hello Debbie!
I'm so sorry to hear of your news. What a hard time for your family. You guys are in our prayers. I love you!