Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I don't know why I feel I should write on this subject, however it is something that is close to my heart and I feel that I need to share my experiences with forgiveness. Without sharing really personal moments, I believe that sometimes we are given trials and objects in our life that seem insurmountable to mold us into the people we will become, yet Heavenly Father has given us the amazing gift called Forgiveness. Without forgiveness in our life, we cannot move on or become the person we are to be. There will be that small part of your heart that will ache. Ache that you can deal with family issues, a friend that has wronged you, or a life that should have been great and was wrapped up in issues. As I look at my life, I am grateful for my trials, for my ability to forgive and forget and move on with my life while including those in my life that I thought I could never forgive.

Forgivness is tough, I had to forgive someone that had been in my life for many years and treated me horribly for most of my life. I am grateful in this instance that I had a father and grandmother to help me go through life with love and taught me how to forgive and move on. I knew that I could not carry the anger, pure hate, and non-forgiving attitude for the rest of my life and it wasn't until my grandma sat me down and explained that I cannot carry this grudge because I deserve to go through the forgiveness process and learn. I prayed for an opportunity to forgive this person and get the ball rolling. After many emotions, I found out that she had been treated the same way as a child and that was all she knew. Although I realized that she could have broken the cycle, and to have someone elses child to raise due to the death of the childs mother at a young age should have been a blessing, she could not break that cycle. Through the forgiveness process, I realized that there was a huge weight I didn't I had been carrying for 20 something years was lifted. I could become the person I should and by forgiving, my testimony of the gospel soared to different levels. I was able to know that we are all held accountable for our lives and we don't want to miss a day without forgiving because it may be too late and the rest of your earthly life will be filled with sorrow and regret.

Thanks for bearing with me on this subject. As I started writing I was unsure what to say and thought I would just write a short blurb however it came out longer. I am sure I was meant to share my experience, with who I am unsure.

1 comment:

Ora said...

Thank you for your comments on forgiveness. I too have been blessed by finally letting things go. I am so sorry of the recent trials you and your family have had. I hope that somehow you are ok. Are you guys and Dan coming to the fam Christmas party?
Love you,
Paula Ora