Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Big 10!

So it has been a while since I have really been able to blog, so I decided to do the top 10 most exciting things that has happened this month. Ready.... set... go...

1. Yea, I get 3 day weekends now that the 4 day workweek has begun!
2. Julia (coworker) and I won a ping pong game by the skin of my teeth... reason we were losing however is because of me...oops.
3. My husband and I went on a nice ride to the canyon for fun.
4. I got a raise! (actually that happened in July, I am just still so excited)
5. I signed up for bill pay finally.... I think I am the last one on this earth do to so.
6. I got to spend the day swimming at Camp Williams with my family.
7. My car was sick and it was an easy and cheap fix, thanks to my brother-in-law.
8. Dale and I got free vacation to Las Vegas and Orlando, however, we have to sit through an hour presentation.
9. I have been doing really well exercising every day!
10. The big ten... hum... I received a letter and pictures from my sister on a mission.

Wow.. that was harder than I thought! The month isn't over yet and I am sure there will be more fun stuff coming.

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