Thursday, July 30, 2009

Temple Usher Experience

I had the most awesome experience yesterday. I was able to be an usher at the Oquirrh Mountain LDS Temple. I arrived at the stake center behind the temple at 2pm. I had to take some leave for work, however we were told that we would be blessed for doing so. I walked into the chapel at the Stake center and I was greeted by the happiest group of people I have ever met. They gave me my number and a usher badge and told me to go find my number on these maps in the wall. I went to the map and was looking at this huge space and my number right in the center of it. One of the sisters told me I must have done something right because I was going to be in the celestial room. My heart soared and my eyes got teary. I have heard so much about the chandelier in there and I thought, oh good I have 4 or 5 hours of piece and looking at every inch of the room. I was not prepared for the intensive spiritual experience I had however. I started walking to the temple, not sure how to get to my station, I climbed stairs, went down stairs and looking at everything i could possibly do. It was beautiful. I finally arrived at the celestial room and my jaw dropped, air escaped me and I thought I was going to pass out. For some reason the spirit was just pounding in me (even though the temple has not been dedicated, I believe that heavenly father was there). I asked the current usher if there was anything I needed to do, received my instruction and was beaming from ear to ear. For about the first 1/2 hour, I am not sure if I saw one person, my head was cocked upward toward the star chandelier and the stars on the windows. (side thought: it cost over 250 thousand dollars, the chairs are back so when you sit you stare up) Then it happened... tears flowed... and flowed... Most of the night I had tears in my eyes. Not just me however... i had a little girl in a wheelchair, the minute she was rolled into the room, she told her mom that this is what heaven will be like when she gets there, she got the chills... tears again... I had non members ask me to bear my testimony on the celestial room and the temple, members that had not been through the temple ask what I do in there.. again tears...watery eyes... It was interesting that you could feel the spirit leave when people who didn't believe and didn't care or feel what most people felt walking into the room. It was lost and then once they left it was back again. All the little kids had to feel the carpet, I thought it was cute, the adults just asked me questions, not all I could answer. I remember a few people coming in and just wanted to stay there because they could feel something and they weren't members. I was asked several times what I did to get the celestial room to usher, my answer was .... I am feeling very blessed. Several times I had this intense smell of strong rosees. I asked if anyone could smell the roses and they told me they could not smell anything. I believe my mom was there (I always smell roses when she is near). I was happy to have her there for those moments she could. We were suppose to be quiet sentinels, however in this room it was hard to not share how I believed and I think that was why I was there. I just am so thankful I had this opportunity to share in this open house. My testimony of temples has been strengthened more than I can share. I love my heavenly father and am sure that this was an experience I needed to have. All I can say is...WOW!!!

P.S. My cheeks are so sore from smiling. I could not keep from smiling, again it believe it was the spirit.

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