Saturday, May 2, 2009

Cooking Blog... What was I thinking?

So for months now I have felt there was something that I could share out there. Finally it hit me. I should do a cooking blog. Wow! Now I warn you, I don't bake a lot of desserts, however I am going to start so that I can share with you. I love food you make that just hits the spot, good for the soul and that is really what I want to share through this blog. Cooking for the soul! I am going to have to make all of these recipes to just get pictures taken, so it may be some time there getting pictures, yet there are already some yummy recipes to amp up your day! I really love experimenting with food, so these reciepees are tried and true. I will give you the basics and then you can make the choices you want to make to add or change to this recipe.

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