Ok, this is my first tag and I am a little behind in getting it on my blog. Well.. here it goes.
A attached or single = Attached to the love of my life, I am lucky because it is forever and all eternities.
B best friend= Hum... this is hard. First of all my sisters, my husband are my best friends. I have a friend Aim, she and I have been through a lot together, we have known each other for over 25 years. I consider her one of my many best friends.
C cake or pie= Cake Angel Food with Strawberries my favorite.
D day of choice= Well its tied Thursday because its close to Friday. Sunday is my rejuvenation day.
E essential item= my camera. Heavenly father has blessed us with so many beautiful things. I need to capture it all.
F favorite color= Its a 3 way tie Purple, Yellow, and Pink. Tough choice.
G gummy bears or worms = neither
H hometown = Riverton, Wyoming
I indulgences= cooking magazines, chocolate covered strawberries...gotta have them
J january or july= July for sure
K kids= no kids yet many.
L life isnt complete without= family, friends and my heavenly father
M marriage date= well for the first 15 years I thought it was a different date... the real thing is 9-11
N number of brothers and sisters= 2 brothers, 6 sisters
O oranges or apples= oranges
P phobias or fears= extreme fear of spiders, fear I am not being the person heavenly father wants me to be.
Q quote= No one can make you feel inferior by Elenanor Roosevelt.
R= reason to smile= family, the beautiful sunrises, when my customers get a job, a funny movie, my husbands laugh
S season of choice= spring for sure
T tag seven: well since everyone I know has done this tag...hum.. I have no one to tag.. yippee
U unknown fact about me= I love to cook, photography, and I have only got one speeding ticket my driving career...and that was erased.
V vegie= trees, aspargas, beans, corn, all vegies except squash.
W worst habit= hitting the snooze button too many times in the morning
X xray or ultrasound = hum.. i have had so many xrays in my lifetime.. oh well
Z zodiac sign= Aries