Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Love of My Life

One thing about my husband that I love is his willingness to be crazy once in a while and put away his Army attitude gruff exterior. These are two pictures of a night when Sierra and I were playing around with a blanket and being models and practicing our walks. Ok, don't laugh. We were practicing our walks because Sierra had entered into a beauty pageant type of thing and needed to walk on stage. So as we were practicing our walks with the blanket Dale comes up and acts like a lady screaming. It was so funny, I added my slip to his head and took some pictures. Truth be known, he would not be happy if he knew I put these on my blog for the world to see. This was certainly a moment in time when I go... ahhhh... and revel in the love I have for him.


Katey said...

Awe cute! ;)

Carissa J said...

That's cute, Debbie. I'd love to see your 'model walk' sometime. You'll have to show us all in staff meeting sometime ;) That's awesome that your husband was such a good sport and let you put your slip on his head. lol!