Thursday, November 29, 2007

Horse in the Backyard

Yes, I said horse in the back yard. We went to the movie Flicka. Awesome movie about a beautiful black stallion. Sierra and I were driving down past the park and across the street is a black horse running free. At the same time Sierra and I yelled, "Flicka!" I pulled off to the side of the street the same time as her parents were driving the opposite way and together we went on the adventure of saving the horse. After a lot of running, and totally out of breath, we were able to wrangle our "Flicka". We called animal control, of course they did not have a trailer and it would take several hours for them to find a place for "Flicka". So with 2 sheriff cars following us with lights a flashing, we walked the horse to our backyard. Never have I ever thought that I would have a horse in my back yard. We had the horse in our back yard for 5 hours. So, whats the best thing to do when you have a horse in the back yard? Ride the boy! So...we did. The horse was the nicest, calmest horse you can even imagine. We were hoping that no one would claim him so we could have him. So we all took our turns of riding him, we have a very small back yard so it was not much of a ride, still we were proud and having a great time. Someone did come and claim him later the next day. We were said however ,what another great adventure we had.

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